Senin, 17 Mei 2010


aku tak ingin berputus asa dalam mencapai cita-citaku yang sudah lama aku pendam..


do yang baok adalah doa dari seorang anak yang soleh dan soleha..


aku tidak tahu harus berbuat tapi hasrat ini tidak bisa di bohongi lagi..


semoga impianku selama ini tercapai..


Jika suatu sat nanti aku ingin membahagiakan kedua orang tuaku dengan kemampuanku yang ada..


aku bersyukur kepada Tuhan karena memperteukan aku dengan kakak angkatku..
thank Tuhan..

Thanks My Sister (Liliyana Natsir)

Kau adalah inspirasiku selama ini..
Aku tak ingin kehilangan dirimu kakak..

adjective clause

Adjective clause Adjective clause adalah klausa yang berfungsi sebagai adjektiva. Seperti telah kita ketahui, adjektiva adalah kata yang menerangkan nomina

passive voice

Bentuk Kalimat Passive diantaranya adalah :
1. Passive Imperative Sentence

* Help the poor (active)
* Let the poor be helped (passive)

2. Passive Infinitive

* It is time to send the letter (active)
* It is time for the letter to be sent (passive)

3. Negative Passive Imperative Sentence

* Don’t wait for me (active)
* You are advised not to wait for me (passive)

4. Passive Sentence with Verbs of Perception

* This food tastes delicious (active)
* This food is delicious when it is tasted (passive)

5. Passive Sentence with Certain Verbs followed by “that-clause”

* We regretted that the principal had to resign from office (active)
* It was regretted that the principal had to resign from office (passive)

6. Passive Sentence with Nouns or Adjectives as Complements

* I consider her very pretty (active)
* She is considered very pretty (passive)

7. Passive Sentence with two objects

* He gave me a book (active)
* A book was given to me by him (passive 1)
* I was given a book by him (passive 2)

8. Passive Sentence with Gerund Verbs

* The teacher enjoyed teaching the students (active)
* The students enjoyed being taught by the teacher (passive)

9. Agent consisting long expression at the end of sentence

* We were all surprised by her sudden announcement to get married
* I was confused by his plan to stop the ongoing project and begin a new one.

10.Passive Sentence with unique verbs

* This wall needs to be painted (sama dengan)
* This wall needs painting.

degrees of comparison

The degrees of comparison (tingkat perbandingan) berjumlah tiga tingkat, yaitu :

1. The positive degree (tingkat biasa)
2. The comparative (tingkat lebih/perbandingan)
3. The superlative (tingkat paling)